HR Corner

September is Suicide Prevention Month – Take Care of Your Employees
Cynthia Schuler Cynthia Schuler

September is Suicide Prevention Month – Take Care of Your Employees

According to the CDC, Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. All too often we hear stories in corporate America about a friend or beloved colleague taking their own life. We are shocked, saddened, and traumatized, but how many times have we heard “No one ever saw it coming.”

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Mental Well-Being Matters in the Workplace
Cynthia Schuler Cynthia Schuler

Mental Well-Being Matters in the Workplace

Mental well-being should be at the forefront of all organizations. Having access to more robust resources is great, but talking about mental health, hosting workshops, and hosting seminars outlining what is actually available to employees is the key.

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Mental Health Awareness Month
Cynthia Schuler Cynthia Schuler

Mental Health Awareness Month

A great leader is developed over time – and usually with the help of another great leader. Leadership is the ability to perform at a very high level and to motivate others to do the same by creating an atmosphere of inclusion and engagement which enables others to perform and to grow into successful leaders.

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Mental and Physical Well-Being in the Workplace
Cynthia Schuler Cynthia Schuler

Mental and Physical Well-Being in the Workplace

No one can perform at 100% if they are not well mentally and physically. It is a serious issue, and employers need to understand that mental health risk increases when factors such as excessive workload, exclusion, and uncertainty with respect to job expectations exist.

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